Blog On

August 26, 2010    

So I read this great article on why I should be blogging. So I decided I should start blogging.So here I am blogging :).Now, to be (at least partially) a programming blog, I need to be able to post code. I was playing with the High-Light plug-in for Rapid Weaver last year when I was playing with this blog the first time, but it doesn’t do Objective-C (at least not well - and Objective-C is what I’ll probably blog about the most), so I went hunting, and found highlight and used the installer from here to get it running on my Mac.So I’m grabbing the code, dumping it into TextMate, reformatting it, and using Opt-Cmd-R to run it through this script:1#!/bin/sh 2 3/usr /local/bin /highlight
-H -W -J 85 -l -f –enclose -pre \

-I -j 4 -t 2 -S objc –inline -css –style darkness $ * and then pasting it into RapidWeaver. It seems to behave so far (although I’ll probably end up trying to extend the Cocoa-specific recognition before long). So now, I’m blogging. We’ll see how long it lasts.