Blogging workflow with Reeder

August 27, 2010    

I’m a huge fan of Reeder for both the iPhone and iPad. It’s so much faster and more convenient than any other Google Reader client I’ve dealt with, I haven’t launched Socialite or NetNewsWire in weeks.So, when I decided I was going to start blogging regularly, I wanted to make it easy for me to do so. This is the workflow I worked out:

I set up a blog on blogspot, and then linked it to my site (which I edit with RapidWeaver) with RapidBlog from Then I used the “Email & Mobile” menu of the Settings tab of the blogspot dashboard to set up an email address, and set it to “Save emails as draft posts”. Then I added that email address to my Contacts app with the name “Blog Fodder”.Now, when I see something in Reeder I might want to blog about, I hit the action button, “email link”, and send it to my blog address. Then, I can edit it (as I’m doing now) as a draft with BlogPress on my iPad or iPhone, and when I have some time with my Mac, then I can sync and publish it to my blog with RapidBlog.Granted, it’s a little Rube Goldberg, but it makes it easy for me to capture ideas whenever they occur to me, blog during my unproductive time, and publish quickly at my leisure.Time will tell if it’s easy enough that I manage to stick with it.